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“Assessment is any effort to gather, analyze, and interpret evidence which describes institutional, divisional, or agency effectiveness.”
Upcraft & Schuh, p18

As part of its mission to advance the existing culture of assessment, Student Life Effectiveness helps departments across the Division of Student Life collect and analyze data to enhance knowledge, guide practice, and inform decision-making.

SLE provides training and resources to help departments successfully navigate the following:

  • develop outcomes (student learning, program and operational) that align with both the university and division strategic plans,
  • assessment and evaluation of program effectiveness,
  • survey administration using Anthology’s Baseline solution,
  • manage activity codes and key performance indicators,
  • prepare and facilitate division and department program reviews, and
  • coordinate department and division strategic planning.

Assessment Planning

The assessment cycle’s duration, whether one or two years, is decided based on the specific needs of the area under evaluation. Every summer, SLE provides guidance to staff leaders, recommending the appropriate cycle length. This recommendation is made to ensure that sufficient data is collected to evaluate whether the desired outcomes have been achieved.

Activity Codes & Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

The Student Activity Roster System allows us to house and organize data-sets for specific co-curricular activities, initiatives, and programs. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are metrics that indicate how well departments are progressing toward their outcomes and overall priorities. KPI data is collected three times a year on a shared spreadsheet that provides departments insight into the metrics they are tracking. Data should be organized and reported according to the following date ranges:

Summer Deadlines 

July 15 – Summer Activity Code uploads due to Student Activity Roster System

August 1 – All phase 1 assessment plans due

August 16th – Summer KPIs due to dslassessment


Fall Deadlines

November 15 – Fall Activity Code uploads due to Student Activity Roster System

January 4 – Fall KPIs due to dslassessment


Spring Deadlines

April 15 – Spring Activity Code uploads due to Student Activity Roster System

June 30 – Spring KPIs and phase 2 of assessment plans due and progress reports for biennial plans due